areas where we save money

This post includes affiliate links which help support Autumn All Along. When we first were married, we lived in a 600 square foot apartment without air conditioning, a washer and dryer, or a dishwasher.  While…

“what should I do with my life?”

I’ve always felt that a job was more of a job; a career should also be fulfilling and give back.  Before applying to graduate school, I spent a lot of time asking myself: “what should I do…

family photos with BRC Photography

We haven’t had family photos since 2012 when we lived in Utah.  Shocking, I know!  With traveling and graduate school, family photos haven’t been a priority financially.  I met Benita from BRC Photography for the…

subscribe for monthly post updates + behind the scenes

Quarter 2 | goals 2018

After some reader feedback, I decided to turn this into quarterly goals and updated this post.  I’ll do monthly life update posts or favorite posts instead as they fit into what I’d like to share.  Coffee…