my second trimester diary

Y’all, this little girl has given me a run for my money the last few weeks.  She is nice and healthy and loves to move!  During my appointments, the Doctors have to chase her with…

life lessons from my twenties

Today I am officially 30.  I have a sweet husband, a house I love, and a little baby coming in December.  There have been so many ups, downs, and HUGE life decisions in the last…

vintage themed baby girl nursery

I have been day dreaming of what my baby’s nursery would look like long before I even really could fathom the idea of having a baby.  I remember several our friends having their first children…

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what I’m learning | #1

Since I moved my goals to being quarterly, I realized sometimes I want to share random things I’ve learned without having an individual post for all of them.  I don’t have a time parameter for…