It has been a little quiet over here since we came back from Europe. Devin has worked from home and in the evenings, we find ourselves strolling through tool stores talking projects or cuddled up on the couch watching movies. I’ve been massively decorating/cleaning/purging our home in the way that makes you sore when you wake up in the morning. I’ve also been catching up with all of the people we missed while we were in Europe and road tripping. I’ve been sending out a ton of resumes for jobs. Overall though, I just feel like my heart is full.
I’ve spent this time disconnecting a little bit and reconnecting in others.
I’ve had my phone dead somewhere in our home more often than not. I haven’t pulled my camera out after 2 months of not letting it rest. I cut four inches off of my hair at 10 PM after I struggled to get a knot out.
Life has not been perfect, but it has felt very sweet.
When we were in Europe, I realized that all of my goal list I kept making over and over again to complete by the time I was 30 has been fulfilled. I have a sweet husband, I was able to go to graduate school for something I love, we have seen so much of the country, and here I was taking naps on a European train with my tummy full of gelato and a million other things. I realized we had a beautiful home to go back to that was ours.
I thought a lot about our time since we have been in Georgia. Our first few years were really hard. I’m so happy I’ve been able to see life do a 180 and see so many blessings from those crummy times. If you’re having a hard time right now (or maybe have been for a while), I promise it gets better.