This year has been pretty intense so far. I’ve had a really hard pregnancy recovery physically. I ended up with multiple infections + toxic thyroid levels that caused me a lot of systemic health issues. I never in a million years thought my recovery would include an ER visit, a concussion, seizures, neurological symptoms, etc. There was one week where I had testing or a specialist visit at least once a day. I’ll write a post eventually, but I honestly am tired of thinking/ discussing my medical drama. I’m so grateful our little girl is so hardy and healthy. I’m also really grateful for the help I’ve had from family the last few weeks so I can get back into a routine.
With everything that has been going on, I’m impressed with how many of these goals I’ve hit. I’m really lucky to have such a congenial little girl and we’re really lucky to live in the area where we do. Additionally, I met a long term goal of mine to be accepted into an ad network; I discussed that I was interested in that here. I’m really excited about this because now I have money to pay for all of my blogging services, it pays for my gym membership to so I can have some me time, and I can start saving for E’s college!
I feel like even though life hasn’t been the easiest, I’ve been able to see a lot of blessings. It seems like courage was the best word of the year I could have chosen for myself.
A review on my quarter 1 goals
Make family goals and stick to them
Have an in house date with Devin with the baby sleeping at least once a monthI’m impressed. We’ve actually been very successful with eating out with Evie. She is getting into the hang of everything and so are we! We also got to have a lot of couple time since we’ve had a lot of family in town.
Go on one date with Devin and Evelyn out of the house at least once a monthTake Evelyn on a stroller walk (weather pending)I love the trails around our house! This has also been an excellent way to listen to books on tape. E typically naps better when she is moving so she is usually pretty happy to oblige.
Look up library groups for newborn and MomsI took E to a library group for babies her age. She liked it so much she fell asleep half way through it 😉 . It was fun to have something organized to do with her and I plan on keeping it up every Monday and/or Thursday when our local library does that.
- Keep to our budget by only eating out once a week
With my health issues, we began eating out a lot. Since we moved right before I had baby and then right after we had her, we didn’t have any freezer meals like I was hoping. We aren’t eating out much now. - Make a spread sheet for all of the items we received for Evelyn for thank you cards
- Finish writing thank you cards
With everything going on, thank you cards have fallen last on my list. I have all of my information for them in a consistent place though and I’m ready to start writing a few cards a day. The tricky part has been our kiddo isn’t much of a day napper which leaves me little time to do things.
Prioritize my self-care
- Read 5 books
I’ve read three. Leave the house for 2 hours a week by myself for myselfI bought a gym membership that includes child care two hours a day so that I can blog, take a shower when things have been crazy at home, have a schedule outside of our house, and exercise!
Schedule therapy appointments
Be a better homemaker
Finish unpacking- Clean the house for at least 30 minutes daily
We minimized everything in our house so much before we moved here that cleaning hasn’t been bad. I hired some teenagers at church to come over and help me out when I was sick and we were able to do some deep cleaning. I think we’re probably going to do that every few months so I can get caught up on folding laundry and other home projects since we don’t have family nearby. - Deep clean the house with Devin once a week
Create more content
Update Instagram when blog posts are scheduledPublish list of books read on instagramWrite 6+ blog posts
Make DC home
Explore our new town!We went to the cherry blossom festival, ate at Shake Shack, and watched kites being flown at the DC mall. E was a great sport and we loved our time out and about!
Find our favorite grocery store locationIntroduce ourselves to people at churchPeople have been really welcoming and we’ve done some game nights, I’ve gone walking, and I’ve eaten lunch. It has been fun making friends! I also joined a book club.
My quarter 2 goals
Make family goals and stick to them
- Prioritize Devin doing something for himself for 2 hours every weekend
- Take Evelyn to a library group at least once a week
- Make a spread sheet for all of the items we received for Evelyn for thank you cards
- Finish writing thank you cards
Prioritize my self-care
- Read 4 books
- Schedule something social weekly
- Go to the gym 6 days a week
Be a better homemaker
- Meal plan with Devin every weekend
- Meal prep meals every weekend
- Buy a rug for our living room
- Find better storage for under our living room bench
Create more content
- Publish one blog post a week
- Spend two hours a week updating SEO or pinterest
- Keep instagram updated with my books read
Make DC home
- Go to Madame Tussauds in DC
- Have Easter with the M family
- Do something with the S family