I’m linking up with Anne in Residence. There are affiliate links in this post.
Oh hey, remember when I used to blog here? My blogging energy has been kind of zapped and then transferred to coming up with more creative activities with Evie.
Before you think that I am making 100% adult decisions, I discovered minecraft… and have been playing with friends during nap times and bed times. I’m getting kind of burned out from it. Once I begin feeling better, I’d like to replace that time with exercising haha.
I am currently…
my first hair topper. My endo told me that my hair loss wasn’t thyroid related. After years of feeling like my hair would just pop back, and it didn’t, I finally was just happy to be told anything. I bought some hair, I love it, and I’m happy to be able to feel some resolution on this whole process.
sour dough bread, I hope? I picked up a sour dough bread starter. I’ve never tried baking any type of bread before (seriously) and it has been a little bit of a challenge, but I’m up for it. If I fed the starter correctly, I’m hoping tomorrow that I can bake four loaves! If I didn’t do it correctly, we might have a goopy mess in the trash.
friends, being in public spaces without worrying, being able to take Evie to activities with her friends. I miss a lot, but so does everyone else.
I think every parent in our town has painted rocks with their kids (love the idea) and placed them around. We saw this sign the other day on our walk and had a pretty big laugh over it.
a little bit more about Ankylosing Spondylitis and the issues it can cause. For years, I have been yammering on to doctors about my stomach, muscle, joint pain, and extreme fatigue. I have been extremely persistent and then I’d usually get a lecture about how “Hashimoto’s disease is a chronic health issue and you need to accept it.” I was always like “oh yes, I understand that, but this is outside the scope of that.”
Well, ta da. I actually have had two autoimmune illnesses. I can honestly point out when I became symptomatic for each one and I wish it hadn’t been such a journey getting diagnosed. This has been full of grieving, but also the reality that things can get a lot better from here on out.
the cleaning challenge I started up. We get different points for daily maintenance chores, for a weekly challenge we choose, and for posting something daily on our Whatsapp group. I was worried people wouldn’t get into it, but the opposite has happened. People have been REALLY into it! It has been nice to have my phone popping up cleaning and productivity updates all day. It is inspiring and it is validating to see how much I do everyday.
In addition to that, I really like my new counselor. This has been my first time having a male counselor and it has reduced a lot of anxiety for me. So far, the counseling has been a great fit and I’m appreciative.
Easter! When I picked out this dress for Evie at consignment last year, I had no idea that it would be her Easter dress!
We colored eggs (don’t buy a dollar store kit for it like I did, just splurge haha), playing with plastic eggs, and Evie enjoyed her bunny presents a lot. Her favorite type of books are those with songs or pictures of real people/ animals and I found some good deals on amazon.
Devin found her a little toddler apron and oven mitts, which was very darling.
a little bit of everything. I’ve been listening to the Harry Potter series again as well as the Chronicles of Narnia series. I need to do a post about what I’ve read during our mandated shelter in place. Audio books have been life 🙂 .
I miss friends, but I am enjoying the extra creativity that is involved in parenting right now. Evie is really at such a fun age. She keeps us laughing with everything she does.