Staring in late fall, I find myself reflecting over the previous year and where I need to improve. When I’m reading or out and about, I try to find anything that sparks my interest; I’ve picked a variety of words over the last few years and they’ve always ended up making a lot of sense at the end. Before October hit, I already had my word of the year chosen.
My word for 2020 is:
I started out the new year so congested that we tried to have a new years kiss, but then I had to blow my nose. Evie has been on antibiotics and I found it really humorous because of the word I chose this year to represent 2020. I did not come into this year strong, but I digress haha.
I chose an acorn necklace for this year to symbolize strength. Acorns become oak trees and oak trees are strong and hardy. I wanted to remind myself that small things can have really big results, if they are met with consistency and care.
So, let’s pretend I’m an acorn. I have a lot of potential and I want to reach more of that this year.
I’m honestly really proud of myself in 2019. It turns out that having a kid helped me really prioritize my time and develop a great routine, moving to Virginia helped me find more like-minded people and build a community (they have so much mom stuff here, seriously), and while there were really hard things too- I have grown so much.
2019 gave me a great baseline to work with and know what I’m capable of. In 2020, I want to develop more of my strengths. I also want to develop some of my weaknesses.
So, what are some of my strengths? (Devin helped me fill a lot of this out haha.)
- I like to be silly and have fun.
- I’m empathetic and care a lot about people.
- I try really hard to do intentional activities with Evie.
- I’m creative.
- I love learning.
- I try hard to keep improving myself and self-reflect.
- I’m good at keeping up with our house stuff (I stunk at doing that in GA).
What are my weaknesses?
- I become flooded when there are big emotions or triggers.
- I haven’t been prioritizing my physical health outside of chronic pain management.
- My relationship with God through scripture reading hasn’t had a great routine.
- I don’t have much balance to my hobbies (I read so much I didn’t prioritize blogging last year).
- I procrastinate things I don’t enjoy as much (like the travel posts that have been sitting for years… ).
I stopped recording my goals on my blog this past year and decided this year to record on my phone through my Tally app. I have used this app for years and I love it because it makes it very easy to track progress on my goals on the go. If you’re shaking your head already, I know I know… I am one of those people that actually tracks their goals all year. I find great joy in it.
I have 10 overall goals for the year to help me strengthen myself.
- Do 3 intentional activities a week with Evie.
I actually already do this, but I love taking her to do things and researching activities in the area. - Go on 2 dates a month with Devin.
- Read the Come Follow Me church curriculum every week.
- Read/ study all of the conference talks published this year.
- Read my scriptures everyday.
I’ve already missed one day, wah wah. - Write 40 blog posts this year.
This should be easy - Spend dedicated time optimizing my blog for 1+ hour a week.
I need this time to improve SEO, make pinterest images, and make updates. - Exercise 15 times a month.
- Read 30 books.
- Clean 30 minutes everyday.
I’m looking forward to becoming stronger in 2020 in many aspects of my life. I’m appreciative of goal tracking and being able to see progress. I love having the opportunity to start over every year and grow as a person.
Let’s do this together.