I’ve been slowing down for the month of December. I’ve just kind of been allowing myself to hunker down into anything that positively fills my emotional well. Admittedly, after I rebranded and spent so much time behind the scenes doing technical stuff, I didn’t feel like looking at my blog at all. Every time I have sat down to write, I’ve been like …… , and ….. , and more … .
I needed a break from the technicality, but you know what else I realized?
When I rebranded with my new message and focus here a month ago here, I was heavily using branding archetype patterns. After a month, I realized that archetypes are helpful and I do have a pretty practical lifestyle, but it isn’t the why of why I write or life. In fact, I realized being down to earth is a part of my nature, but not a driving force for me.
What is my why?
Learning. Self-discovery. Personal growth.
I’ve been back at the drawing board and just being me. You’ll notice my about me pages, bios, and everything else have slightly changed to reflect that. I promise I’m where I want to be now and this is just the growing pains of really changing my blog for the first time in 7 years 🙂 .
I travel because I want to learn. My domestic pursuits are because I want to learn better skills. I read because I want to learn. I write because it helps me process how I learn. I love being around others who love learning and that’s what I want to foster here.
I started developing a lot of ideas for after the new year for this space including youtube videos!
I have wanted to do this for a while, but I have kept putting it off because I was afraid of having really amateur looking videos 😆; this isn’t a skill set I have and I find myself never knowing where to look, but I have to start somewhere. I’m writing out some posts and letting myself feel like I’m caught up. I’ve been organizing rooms, selling my grad school textbooks on Amazon (this feels bittersweet), and spending time with our foster bunnies (yes, you can apparently foster rabbits and they’re adorable).
I have a few posts I’ll do in December, but for the most part, we’ll really be back in business in January!