Road trips are kind of our thing. In the 5.5 years that we’ve been married, we’ve been to 29 states. We have a few rules to qualify states on our list: we have to go to them together and we have to see at least one sight and eat a meal. While we were planning out what we were going to do this summer, we decided we should do another road trip! This will be the biggest one we’ve done since 2012, when we moved from Utah to Atlanta, spending a month visiting different states along the way.
After this trip we will be adding 6 new states and driving through 15! Our goal is to see all 50 states before our 10th wedding anniversary and so far we are doing really well!
We literally have friends and family all over the country which definitely helps! We get recommendations from them and they are kind enough to let us sleep in their guest bedroom. The largest part of why this trip is happening though is because Devin has a work trip in Washington DC the last week (which is why we’re spending so long in Virginia!).
Week 1
Day 1
Alabama, Mississippi, & Tennessee
Day 2-7
Week 2
Day 1
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Day 2
Day 3-5
Nebraska & Iowa
Day 6-7
Illinois, Indiana, & Michigan
Week 3
Day 1
Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Day 2-6
Day 7
North Carolina & South Carolina
I’ve updated the itinerary below to share the travel guides I made with places we stayed 🙂 . I don’t create travel guides on states that we travel through quickly and our time in Michigan was spent completely with family for Devin’s grandparents 60th anniversary! I’m looking forward to being able to visit the other states with Devin more extensively later. The one thing I’ve found with traveling is that it helps you realize how much more you need to do. We have lots more to explore and we’ll never run out of places to see!